Time was getting on Col thought to himself,
he’d have to make a move soon or it would be too late. The weather had steadily
gotten more and more inclement throughout the day but if he didn’t attempt the
trip soon he would have no chance. Zipping his parka up so only his eyes were
visible and pulling his beanie over his ears before pulling the hood as tight
around his shaven head as he could ,he mumbled to himself ‘well, Colin, it’s
now or never’. He looked down to his feet and as usual he noticed he was ill prepared for the task ahead, but with
the weather seeming to get worse by the minute he realised that if he didn’t
act decisively now then any chance he may have had would be gone. Slowly he set
off, his middle age frame more reminiscent of a frail old eighty year as he had
to stoop into the piercing, frozen gale that was blowing snowflakes the size of
50 pence pieces into his exposed eyes and covering the fur of his parka hood,
weighing it down so it drooped in front of his increasingly frozen face. The
snow had definitely reached blizzard proportions and was settling like a thick
shag pile carpet under his feet which incidentally felt like they were turning
into frozen blocks of ice. Even though the night was pitch the fresh fallen
snow created that odd sensation which made it look more like twilight when he
looked at the ground. If Col looked behind him he would see that his footprints
were disappearing almost as quickly as he was making them. With a steely
determination though he fought through the worsening storm, keeping his spirits
up by thinking he might actually make it. With head bowed and a about a mile
clocked up on the trek he could just make out a twinkling light which gave the
adventurer a lift. He smiled to himself even though he was frozen to the bone. As
the light shone a little brighter through the worsening onslaught of snow, he
allowed himself to believe he was actually going to make it. Closer and closer,
the light beckoning him like a siren to a sailor, Col trudged on, until finally
he reached his destination and the familiar vision in front of him came as such
a relief that he fair pushed the door off its hinges before he shouted ‘The
usual please Hayley, and a bag of scratching whilst you’re at it!’
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